Häufig gestellte Fragen
Zur Herstellung unserer Bikinis, Badeanzüge und Leggings verwenden wir einen Stoff, der zu 78% aus recyceltem Polyamid besteht. Während des Herstellungsprozesses werden spezielle Elastanfasern eingewebt, die die Dehnbarkeit der Textilien erhöhen. Unsere Pullover werden aus 100% GOTS-zertifizierter Bio-Baumwolle hergestellt. Der Tie-Dye-Look wird im Digitaldruckverfahren aufgedruckt.
Als Arbeitgeber ist es uns wichtig, dass jeder Mensch, der an der Herstellung unserer Produkte mitwirkt, einen angemessenen Lohn erhält und unter fairen Bedingungen arbeitet. Wir unterstützen flexible Arbeitszeiten für Pflegekräfte und Teammitglieder, die sich noch im Studium befinden. Außerdem ermutigen wir unsere Mitarbeiter, ihre Stärken und Potenziale zu entwickeln.
Wir achten darauf, die Verschmutzung unseres Planeten zu verringern: Angefangen bei den Stoffen, die wir verwenden, über das Verpackungsmaterial, in dem unsere Produkte verschickt werden, bis hin zur richtigen Mülltrennung in unserem Büro. Als Unternehmen haben wir die Vision, ein weniger zerstörerisches Verhalten gegenüber der menschlichen und nicht-menschlichen Natur zu pflegen. Auch haben wir uns für Lieferanten entschieden, die unserem Studio nahe stehen.
Die recycelten Polyamid-Stoffe werden aus verschiedenen Abfällen hergestellt, die in Ljubljana, Slowenien, gesammelt, gereinigt und versponnen werden. In Italien wird das einfarbige Futter gefärbt, während die Muster des Oberstoffes in Süddeutschland gedruckt werden. Den Stoff für unsere Pullover beziehen wir von dem fairen Textillabel Lebenskleidung. Der Druckprozess findet in Griechenland statt und wird von Lebenskleidung beaufsichtigt.
Fitting advice
Wenn Du dir nicht sicher bist, welche Größe die Richtige ist, findest Du hier eine kurze Anleitung zum Ausmessen. Bei Fragen wenden dich gerne an unseren Kundenservice: info@joseasurfwear.com
- Germany, Austria free
- Austria, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Denmark, Poland, France, Monaco 7,45€
- Liechtenstein, Switzerland 9,62€
- Andora, Italy, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary, Great Britain 8,81€
- Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Cyprus 9,37€
- Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iceland, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine 10,61€
- Egypt, Algeria, Georgia, Israel, Morocco, Russian Federation, Tunisia, Turkey 10,66€
- China, Indonesia, Canada, Mexico, USA 13,52€
We hand over your packages two times a week, on mondays and thursdays.
Unfortunately and for various reasons, it happens that the mailperson fails to deliver a package. If so, don’t hesitate to write our customer service at info@joseasurfwear.com. We identify potentials sources of error and resend your package.
Orders outside of the EU
If you order from a place, that is not inside the European Union, please prepare that you will pay extra import tax/VAT and customs duty. Especially for customers from the UK, since Brexit you need to prepare for additional costs.The standard VAT-Rate is around 20% of the value of the goods.
We send our packages with DHL Go Green. Outside of Germany DHL works with local shipping providers.
We hand your packages to DHL on Mondays and Thursdays. From this point on the shipping times are listed below:
- Germany 1-3 working days
- Austria, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, France, Poland, Great Britain, Ireland, Portugal 3-5 working days
- Finland, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Canada 5-7 working days
- Greece 8 working days
- USA 10-12 working days
- Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, China 10-18 working days
Retour & Refund
In our returns portal, you have the choice of either using one of our return labels or using your own. If at least one of the items ordered is kept, we will be happy to cover the return costs and provide a return label. If all items ordered are returned, we will deduct the cost of the return label from the refund (€6.19).
If you are returning from a country other than Germany, you will have to pay the return shipping costs by yourself. In this case, please also use our returns portal.
If you have any questions, please contact our customer service: info@joseasurfwear.com.
In any case, please use our return portal to process the return before you send the item back.
You can return the item within 14 days after you purchased the item. As soon as your package arrived in our office, we will refund your money.
As soon as your returns arrive in our office, we refund the sum. Normally the money should be on your account within 2 days.
If the date you handed in your package is longer than 2 weeks ago, and you still didn't get your money, please contact our customer support: info@joseasurfwear.com.
You can pay via: VISA and MASTER Card or PayPal.
We take a lot of care producing our pieces and always double check before we send them. Nevertheless, it is possible that something escapes our notion.
So if you want to complain about a manufacturing error, please sent an E-Mail to our customer service: info@joseasurfwear.com. You will be asked to take a photo and write a short explanation what went wrong. After that you will get a shipping Label and we will exchange the item.
Please send us a photo of the spot to info@joseasurfwear.com we will figure out a solution.
Custom-made products
All models are restricted to the colors listed on our website.
All products are limited to the sizes that are mentioned at our website. As we work with a small production team, we don’t offer special sizes. In case your size is out of stock, you can leave your email address or phone number.
1. Click on the requested size
2. Fill in your e-mail address or phone number
As soon as your product is available in our online shop again, you will receive an email from us.